Building Brighter Futures.
From Early Years to Lifelong Careers.
As a recruitment agency, our core purpose and competency is to connect individuals to great career opportunities. However, in socially deprived areas, some people face disadvantages from an extremely early age which can hinder their career prospects later in life. Time and time again, research has found that the first few years of a child’s life are critical for brain development and building the blocks for lifelong learning.
Spencer Clarke Group is based in the heart of Preston; on our doorstep - and where most of our wonderful employees live - is Blackpool, Liverpool, Knowsley and Manchester which are regularly listed as the most socially deprived locations in the UK. However, we strongly believe that it doesn’t have to be this way if children are invested in at a young age.
The five core aspirations of our CSR strategy is to take a holistic approach and drive change from an early age to help families break free from generational poverty cycles. With the right support and skills in place, children can dream and build a brighter future for themselves.
Core Aspirations.

Building Brighter Futures Together
We understand that for meaningful change to happen, it's vital to collaborate with charities and schools to leverage their expertise and maximise resources.
By working extremely closely with our incredible partners, we reach the children and families who need our help most.
Download and read our 2024 CSR report now.
Support Early Years Development To Lay the Foundation for Lifelong Learning, Health, and Wellbeing.
The first few years of a child's life are critical for so many reasons - brain development, developing communication skills, emotional wellbeing, and nurturing a love for learning to name but a few. Children from disadvantaged backgrounds face multiple barriers which can hinder their success later on in life.
We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to thrive which is why we support early intervention initiatives to foster a fairer society and give children the tools to make their own way in the world.
These are just some of the initiatives we support in our communities.
- As part of our Big Community Build initiative, we renovated an entire playground at Mereside Primary Academy to create five learning zones. This included a construction zone, an outdoor library, a music wall, an art wall and a curiosity shed to ignite their imaginations. The playground was built adhering to the Curiosity Approach, a practice under the Early Year Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory framework.
- In 2024/25, we’re proud to sponsor Active Lancashire, an initiative designed to embed sport and physical activity into the everyday life of young people in Lancashire. Sport has the power to transform young people due its positive impact on physical and mental health.
- In 2024, we supported a SEND school to deliver a magical Christmas experience for all of its pupils. As well as supplying arts, crafts and nibbles, we brought a Santa into the school to deliver presents to every child.
- In 2025, we proudly sponsored the Endeavour Awards, Endeavour Learning Trusts awards ceremony which celebrates the commitment and hard work of their staff and students.
- Each year, we sponsor a local football team to encourage sport which can positively impact physical and mental health.
- Each November, the SCG team takes on an infamous BBC game to raise money for Children in Need. To date, we have tackled the Weakest Link twice and the Traitors.
- We regularly run competitions across our social media platforms for schools to win exciting goodies! To mark the 2024 Olympics and National Writing Day, we hosted an Olympics themed poetry competition! Faheem from Haslam Park Primary School stole the gold medal with a fantastic poem which won his class a hamper of treats and stationery!
"Each day, we witness the significant impact of the playground."

The EYFS Lead said
"The positive response from our community has been nothing short of extraordinary, with staff, parents, and children alike genuinely captivated by the transformation. By focusing on the Early Years Framework, we aimed to improve children's learning through play.
Each day, we witness the significant impact of the playground, with children fully immersed in their play, enhancing their communication skills, learning to share, and resolving problems collaboratively."
EYFS Lead and Primary School Teacher, Mereside Primary Academy

Support Basic Needs Which Are Essential for Survival and Wellbeing.
Over the last few years, the UK has lurched from one economic crisis to another which has heavily impacted on our local community in the North West. Many low-income families in our region now rely on charities just to survive. We believe that no-one - especially children - should have to live like this which is why we are so passionate about working with charities to support basic fundamental needs.
As part of a local network of care, these are just some of the charities we work with in our community.
- Each month, we volunteer 4 hours of time at Fylde Food Bank to support their vital operations.
- Each month, we donate 52kg of food and toiletries to Fylde Food Bank to provide emergency support to those in crisis. In December, we supply a larger donation to support seasonal demand.
- In 2024, we supported family charity Home-Start Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre with over 200 pieces of school uniform, toys and games to support summer holiday clubs, and 30 Christmas hampers to support local families.
- Each quarter, employees donate clothes, books and toys to Helping Hearts Fylde. The items are distributed to residents in Blackpool for free.
- Through the generous donations of our team, we support Lancashire Women with clothing and toiletries to support women facing homelessness or fleeing domestic abuse.
"Home-Start makes sure those years count, so that no child's future is limited. YOU have helped us do that."

Home-Start said
"Our parents have been overwhelmed by your generosity, enthusiasm and commitment to their children. Your donations of Easter Eggs, School Uniforms, and Christmas hampers full of seasonal food have been thoughtfully chosen and brought to us in plenty of time for our staff and volunteers to deliver them to families. Your team have been friendly, understanding and have ‘done what they said they would do’.
Children’s earliest years make the biggest difference. Home-Start makes sure those years count, so that no child's future is limited. YOU have helped us do that."
CEO, Home-Start Blackpool Fylde and Wyre

Support Individual Career Growth.
Whether you’re a child developing foundational skills in school, a young person stepping into the workforce, or a mid-career professional looking to progress, everyone faces unique challenges on their career path.
We believe that every business has a duty to support the career development of their own employees and the communities they serve. While the government has outlined their ambition to ‘level up’ the North/South divide, we feel that employers can still play a crucial role in helping individuals achieve higher earnings, financial security and personal fulfillment.
These are just some of the measures which we implement to support our communities.
- Published 280 blogs on our Career Hub to provide career advice across the industries we serve. The Career Hub serves as a centralised platform to empower individuals, enhance their career prospects, and align their ambitions with well paid career opportunities.
- While the relationship can be difficult to establish, a good education and knowledge has been linked to better employment opportunities, higher income and improved health and wellbeing.
- Work in association with respected industry professionals (who share our passion for educating younger generations) to help and inspire young people with career choices and career progression.
- Provided work experience for two students from Preston College. Following the placement, one of the students has joined us in a full time position.
- Deliver a Wellness Project initiative to support emotional, physical and mental wellbeing. The project aims to provide constructive advice and coping mechanisms to positively impact lives.
“I’m proud to support Lancashire Mind through the Spencer Clarke Group team taking on Tough Mudder."

Luke said
I’m proud to support Lancashire Mind through the Spencer Clarke Group team taking on Tough Mudder.
Unfortunately, I've had three male suicides in the family and it was simply because these men didn't have the right services for them to use. Lancashire Mind offers free counselling and workshops to everyone who is struggling with their mental health.
It's important for everyone to talk and I believe there has been a real let down in the current services for men and it has had devastating consequences.
I’m pleased to say that we raised nearly £3K from Tough Mudder and I hope we can continue to raise money through Spencer Clarke Group for this extremely deserving cause.”
Luke Meeks, Creative Lead

Champion People and Diversity.
As an agency, we are committed to championing people and diversity through treating people how we would want to be treated, and by interrupting and challenging unlawful discrimination. As recruiters, we believe that every job applicant should have equal opportunities regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation and any other factors which could be discriminated against.
We oppose unlawful discrimination which relates to pay and benefits, terms and conditions of employment, dealing with grievances and discipline, dismissal, leave for parents, requests for flexible working and selection for employment or promotion.
Our aim is for workforces, whether that be our own or the clients we serve, to be fair and truly representative of all sections of society. If we see or suspect that bias might be present in our clients recruitment process, we believe that it is our obligation to interrupt and challenge it. By removing the inequalities which restrict equal opportunities, positive change can happen.
These are just some of the measures which we implement to facilitate an equal, diverse and inclusive workplace.
- Commitment to review DEI Policy annually. The DEI policy extends to all internal employees, contractors and agency staff.
- Regularly review the portrayal of under-represented groups within marketing materials to ensure they are balanced and don’t reinforce stereotypes.
- Commitment to review marketing materials and offer recommendations to improve the diversity of candidates without being ‘tokenistic.’
- Regularly explore and examine SCG employees privilege, unconscious bias and assumptions.
- Provide education and internal training to share strategies on testing and eliminating unconscious bias.
- Use of intelligent data to drive decisions to minimise the impact of unconscious bias.
- Ensure job adverts use the correct language and avoid any stereotyping which may deter candidates from applying.
- Use of structured interviews to enable a candidate's skills, qualifications and knowledge to be fairly measured against each other rather than from impressions.
- Market career opportunities at targeted networking events and advertise on niche/specialist job boards.
- Conduct anonymous employee and agency staff (past and present) surveys to understand what specific issues of unconscious bias and unfairness might exist.
- Zero tolerance for bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination. All complaints are taken seriously and such acts are dealt with as misconduct under the Spencer Clarke Group grievance and disciplinary procedures. (The Equality Act 2010 prohibits discrimination in the workplace. If harassment relates to a protected characteristic, this is a criminal offence and will be dealt with through official channels.)
- As nominated by one of our employees, we raised £3,423 for brain injury charity Headway by taking on Tough Mudder. Tough Mudder provided an excellent opportunity for team bonding and facilitating physical & mental health. As nominated by one of our employees, we raised £2,984 for mental health charity, Lancashire Mind by taking on Tough Mudder.
- By playing ‘The Traitors’ twice in 2024, we raised £1,180 which was split between the winners chosen charities - Lymphoma Action, Dementia UK and Children in Need.
- Two of our employees, John Shorrock and Joe Penny, raised £870 for Macmillan Cancer Support by ‘braving the shave.’ Macmillan Cancer Support is a cause close to John and Joe’s heart as their families have been impacted by cancer.
SCG Takes on The Traitors
After intense lunch time round tables, shock banishments, murders galore, shield games and nerve wracking grand finals, Mike Shorrock and Kaylah Henderson won series 1 as faithfuls, but sneaky Anna Cochrane won series 2 as a deceitful Traitor!
By playing The Traitors twice in 2024, we raised an incredible £1,180 which was split between Lymphoma Action, Dementia UK and Children in Need.
Protect the Environment and Achieve Net Zero Emissions by 2045.
As Mike Berners-Lee famously once said, there is no planet B, which is why protecting our environment and achieving net zero emissions by 2045 is one of our core CSR aspirations.
Every 12 months, we calculate our Greenhouse Gas (GHGs) emissions and produce a comprehensive Carbon Reduction Plan which is in line with the latest government recommendations. Emissions are calculated in accordance with the UK Government’s Environmental reporting guidelines and The Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard.
These are just some of the initiatives which we facilitate to reduce direct emissions, indirect emissions and indirect value chain emissions.
- Support UK and worldwide climate and forestation projects. Since 2023, we have helped to fund 16 projects including repairing water boreholes in Eritrea, peatland restoration and conservation in Indonesia, a wind power project in Mexico, generating renewable solar electricity in Egypt, and conserving the Amazon in Brazil.
- Since 2023, we have planted 2,350 trees.
- In 2024, we planted 720 trees.
- In 2024, we supported a number of worldwide carbon avoidance projects which have resulted in 120tCO2e avoided.
- Offer employees to join the UK Government EV Scheme.
- Onsite EV charger for employees.
- Commitment to minimise and recycle waste. We provide dedicated bins for cardboard, plastic, cans and batteries.
- Reduce energy use and improve energy efficiency through energy efficient lighting within the offices.
- Virtually paperless.
- Champion video meetings to minimise business travel.
- Encourage car sharing and use of public transport to reduce travelling.
- Use of sustainable suppliers and thoughtful purchasing wherever possible.
- Provide employees with personalised water bottles to reduce the number of single use plastic bottles used.
- Provide employees with the opportunity to volunteer hours in the community.