Culture Champions.
Could You Be Our Next Culture Champion?
We live and breathe our 10 Points of Culture, in and out of the office.
Bi-monthly, we award a Culture Champion who has best displayed our culture.
The best entry gets to play Deal or No Deal with the chance to win up to £500.

Luke Meeks
Luke won for bringing to life an SCG accountancy & finance and educational psychology report with his brilliant design skills. After a tempting offer from the banker, he walked away with an amazing £315!
£315 WON!

Matt Byrne-Fraser
Matt won after demonstrating a fantastic attitude towards his work during a busy period and going above and beyond to support new team members. Well done Matt!
£10 WON!

Nicole Sherwood
Nicole won after dedicating her time and energy into taking her driving test, not long after joining the Spencer Clarke Group team. Not only did Nicole juggle starting a new job with passing her test, she showed that hard work and dedication can deliver fantastic results in all areas of life!
£75 WON!

John Shorrock
John won after organising a brilliant game of 'The Traitors' for the whole team to take part in. The effort John put in to ensuring everyone had fun, made him a very deserving Culture Champion!
£80 WON!

Jimmy Callagher
Jimmy won by displaying an ambitious attitude towards his work and personal life. He showed that going above and beyond and setting clear goals for the month ahead is a great way to succeed!
£125 WON!

Destiny Buck
Destiny won by displaying a dedicated attitude towards her work, resulting in a fantastic first 2 months as a Consultant. In her personal life, Destiny also passed her driving test!
£125 WON!

Joseph Chanter
Joseph won by exceeding personal targets and developing his desk for a record start to the new academic year. He showed that with hard work, anything is possible!
£200 WON!

Jolie Moon
Jolie won by maintaining a dedicated attitude to her work and focusing her attention on building a solid school database ready for the school year ahead.
£75 WON!

Anna Shorrock
Anna won by displaying an ambitious attitude in her personal and professional life. She showed that going above and beyond can achieve great results inside and outside of the workplace.
£75 WON!

Adam Pickering
Adam won by attending training sessions, webinars and cohorts, completing training exercises and watching videos at home to achieve his personal and professional goals.
£25 WON!

Luke Meeks
Luke demonstrated his supportiveness by going out of his way to redeliver a parcel which had been mistakenly dropped off at our office!
£250 WON!

Adam Zyda
Adam won by not letting a tough start to the month get him down! By keeping his spirits high, he ended the month with a record number of interviews!
£125 WON!

Adam Pickering
Adam won by setting extremely high standards for himself, showing ambition and displaying a positive mindset in order to achieve excellence.
£400 WON!

Cameron Nicholls
Cameron won by helping his younger brother to rewrite his CV and by teaching him how to get in contact with the most relevant people at companies which he was applying to. Within weeks, his brother received an offer of employment from an architecture firm in London.
£400 WON!

Annabelle Harwood
Annabelle won by working additional hours to ensure she exceeded her monthly target of compliant files!
£250 WON!

Ellie Cutts
Ellie used Pancake Day to whip up some friendly competition amongst the office with teams competing to make the tastiest and most creative pancakes!
£125 WON!

Sam Stanton
Sam showed his energetic side by joining a new football team and working really hard at the gym! Unfortunately for Sam, he walked away with just 1p!
1p WON!
10 Points of Culture.