13 Ways Businesses Can Attract, Engage And Retain Gen Z Talent

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In this blog, you will learn:

  • What Gen Z is.
  • How businesses can attract, engage and retain Gen Z talent.
  • Common trends Gen Z look for when searching for a new role.
  • Discover more about our recruitment services

Looking for ways to attract, engage and retain Gen Z talent in your workplace? In today's competitive job market, knowing how to attract, engage, and retain Gen Z talent can be a minefield. It's important to understand the unique characteristics of this specific age group, as it can enhance your efforts when it comes to employing hard working individuals. 

Throughout this blog, we delve into 13 ways your business can attract, engage and retain Gen Z talent.

What is Gen Z?

Gen Z is defined as those who were born from 1997 to 2012. As of 2024, Gen Zers are typically between the ages of 10 and 29.

This generation is changing the expectation of employment fast, with individuals seeking flexible working, a strong company culture and the latest technology at their fingertips. 

According to the BBC, by 2025 Gen Z will make up 27% of the workforce in OECD countries, and one-third of the global population, so it’s important that you know how to attract, engage and retain Gen Z talent. 

13 ways to attract, engage and retain Gen Z talent:

13 ways to attract, engage and retain Gen Z talent:

  • Utilise social platforms for job adverts.
  • Provide clear development opportunities. 
  • Invest in the latest technology.
  • Make wellbeing a priority.
  • Highlight company values.
  • Showcase social responsibility.
  • Offer flexible and remote work options. 
  • Rethink the experience required in job adverts.
  • Offer competitive compensation and benefits.
  • Hold regular check-ins.
  • Show respect regardless of age.
  • Recognise and reward.

Utilising social platforms for job adverts

Thanks to growing up with technology at their fingertips, the Gen Z age group naturally look for information and opportunities online, so posting job adverts on your social media platforms is an interactive and visually appealing way to reach them.

According to PHA Group, 54% of Gen Z spend at least four hours a day on social media. They also found that 73% of jobseekers aged 18-34 have found their jobs through social media. 

Utilising such platforms ensures that job adverts are seen where Gen Z spend a lot of their time, increasing the chances of attracting top young talent.

Providing clear development opportunities

You can attract, engage and retain Gen Z talent by providing clear career development opportunities within your business. If Gen Z individuals know that there are continuous opportunities for career development within the business, they're more likely to stay loyal to your company for longer.

To provide clear development opportunities, you could create a career map explaining what employees have to achieve in a certain position and how long they have to be in it, to be eligible for a promotion. 

Investing in the latest technology

Providing access to the latest software and tools that streamline workflows is a good way to attract, retain and engage the Gen Z talent who have grown up around technology.

Living in a world where technology has been rapidly advancing, might mean that Gen Z will prioritise a company that can offer them modern tools to support and enhance their work.

The Gen Z age group might also choose to actively avoid companies with outdated technology and processes, so we advise exploring up to date systems if you want to attract the younger generation. 

Making wellbeing a priority

In order to attract, engage and retain Gen Z talent within your business, we advise putting a clear focus on wellbeing, as Gen Z highly value mental health and overall wellness. 

You could offer wellness benefits such as gym memberships, provide free fruit, yoga classes, recharge days and massages.

Providing access to support services such as counselling can go a long way in retaining Gen Z talent. Demonstrating a commitment to employee wellbeing can also enhance your employer brand, helping to build loyal and motivated employees.

Highlighting company values

Highlighting company values such as respect, accountability and innovation is key to attracting Gen Z talent as they care about working for a company that shares their beliefs. 

According to Deloitte, around nine in 10 Gen Z’s agree that working for a company that shares their values and ethics is important for workplace satisfaction and wellbeing. 

Gen Z might want to work for a business that shares their values, such as social responsibility, so when they see a company demonstrating similar values, they may feel more motivated to contribute to the overall success of the business. 

Showcasing social responsibility

Showcasing social responsibility as an employer is essential for attracting, engaging and retaining Gen Z talent, as they appear to prioritise working for a company that is making a positive impact to society. 

According to Kadence, 56% of Gen Zers believe that businesses should take responsibility for environmental issues, and 72% believe that companies should be held accountable for their environmental impact. This means it’s likely that Gen Zers will be more drawn to your business if you actively support environmental sustainability and community involvement. 

Offering flexible and remote work options

Many Gen Z candidates and employees began their career in lockdown when remote working was the only real option, so in some cases this might be a factor they prioritise when job searching.

According to News in the Channel, a recent survey shows that 81% of Gen Z values flexibility above salary. Allowing Gen Z to have flexibility and remote work options can also improve their work-life balance by allowing them to spend more time with family and friends. 

The opportunity for flexibility not only not only attracts Gen Z talent but also enhances employee satisfaction, as they respect the ability to integrate their work with their outside life.

Rethinking the experience required in job adverts

While adding a list of desirable experience in job adverts may seem a good way to find the most appropriate candidates, it could also steer away skilled Gen Z candidates.

Rethink the experience you require and how long someone needs to have previously worked in a similar role. 

A Gen Z candidate may not have the correct experience, or due to their age they might be quite new to the professional world, however, they might have the perfect skills for the role. By including a ‘required experience’ section in your job advert, you might restrict your own talent pool and miss out on top performing candidates.

Offer competitive compensation and benefits

Offering competitive compensation and benefits such as health insurance and student loan repayment assistance to Gen Z is crucial as they might want financial stability and comprehensive support from their employers. 

According to HRD Connect, 45% of Gen Z desire to be financially comfortable as part of their larger career ambition.

Competitive salaries that reflect industry standards help ensure financial security, which is beneficial for long term employee satisfaction. 

Additional benefits such as generous paid time off and professional development opportunities might help to address any financial concerns that Gen Z have. These benefits can also improve your employer branding, showcasing your business as a highly desirable place to work. 

Support diversity and inclusivity 

According to Workplace, 83% of Gen Z think that having people from different cultures is the most important element to building a team, therefore supporting inclusivity and diversity is essential for attracting, engaging and retaining Gen Z talent.

By creating a diverse and inclusive workplace, you not only increase creativity through varied viewpoints, but also build an ethical reputation, which is more attractive to Gen Z candidates who look for these values in a job. 

Being inclusive and diverse not only helps attract new talent but also boosts employee satisfaction which might lead to lower turnover rates. 

Hold regular check-ins

Holding regular check-ins are important for engaging Gen Z employees as they value feedback and open communication, which can help them feel appreciated and understood. 

Check-ins also allow managers to address any concerns they have and provide necessary support which can help keep Gen Z employees engaged. 

Check-in sessions also give Gen Z employees the chance to voice their opinions, which can strengthen their dedication to the business.

Show respect regardless of age

Showing respect to employees regardless of their age is key to attracting, engaging and retaining Gen Z talent. When Gen Z see their contributions and ideas are valued equally to employees with more experience, they may feel more motivated and encouraged to contribute in the future. 

Demonstrating that age doesn't dictate worth or capability can be positive for current Gen Z employees and be attractive to candidates.

You should never disrespect your younger employees as they are all coming into work to contribute to the success of your business.

Recognise and reward 

Regularly acknowledging Gen Z for their hard work is a great way to retain and engage them, as being recognised and rewarded for hard work can increase motivation and improve workplace culture. 

Regular recognition not only boosts Gen Z morale but it also increases their loyalty and therefore helps to reduce turnover costs. Loyal Gen Z employees are also often more productive and engaged which helps drive the company's success through their dedication.

You could implement performance bonuses, paid lunches and gift vouchers to reward Gen Z for their achievements. 

Who is Spencer Clarke Group?

Established in 2017, we’re a vibrant and progressive recruitment agency based in the heart of the North West. 

We continually reimagine the recruitment process to challenge convention and defy expectations; from creating a better recruitment experience to remodelling employee engagement, we thrive off doing things differently and turning heads along the way. 

We operate in two sectors:

Private Sector

Public Sector 

In eleven specialisms:

Accountancy & Finance

Education & SEND

Construction, Trades & Labour

Healthcare, Social Care & Nursing


Corporate Functions & Business Support

HR & Workforce Development

IT & Digital

Property & Asset Management  

Planning, Development & Regeneration 

Highways, Infrastructure & Engineering

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