Educational Psychologists Insights on Mental Health in Schools: Our Report Findings

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Over recent years, Educational Psychologists have witnessed significant changes in the needs of schools and children and young people with SEND. The lasting implications of COVID-19 has reshaped the educational landscape and as schools continue to face complex issues with some students, the role of Educational Psychologists is more important than ever. 

We recently conducted our own research amongst Educational Psychologists from local authorities and private practices. Our findings revealed compelling insights from those practicing in the sector regarding the mental health of children and young people.

A significant finding from our research detailed that 75% of Educational Psychologists surveyed said they had noticed significant trends or changes in the needs of students and schools within the last 5 years, with some commenting on the rise of Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs amongst children and young people. 

One Educational Psychologist said, “There is an apparent trend of speech and language and literacy needs which appears to coincide with the educational and social disruption caused by the Covid-19 crisis. This is notable in children aged between 4 and 10 years old.” 

Our report also highlighted an increase in Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA), with some of our respondents suggesting that this could be linked to increased levels of anxiety within children and young people. An increase in the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the long waiting times for children and young people waiting for ASD assessments was also highlighted within our findings. 

As well as noticing significant changes within the needs of students, those who responded to our survey also warned about a lack of support provided to teachers who must support and manage the mental health of their pupils. The need for leniency in the academic expectations of students was raised in our findings. 

One Educational Psychologist said, “It feels hypocritical to tell schools that they should be prioritising mental health without acknowledging that, in some instances, this will mean that this takes precedence over pushing an academic agenda.”

SEND recruitment specialist, Richard Shorrock, said “Educational Psychologists have seen big changes in the needs of students in recent years which have coincided with the effects of COVID-19 lockdowns.”

Richard continued “For children and young people to reach their academic potential, it’s so important that Teachers are equipped with the skills needed for supporting mental health in the classroom.” 

Discover more insights in the SCG Educational Psychology Workforce Insights Report 2024.

Educational Psychologist jobs

If you’re searching for your next Educational Psychologist job, why not take a look at the latest vacancies, or simply upload your CV to be notified when a relevant position becomes available. 

Struggling to recruit Educational Psychologists?

As specialist local authority SEND recruiters, we support local authorities nationwide with their temporary, interim and permanent staffing needs. 

If you’re struggling to recruit, we have exclusive access to some of the most experienced interim Educational Psychologists in the UK.

Simply contact Natalie Boaler on 01772 954200 to discover how we can help. 

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Established in 2017, we’re an award winning and progressive recruitment agency based in the heart of the North West. Our reputation is built on trust, expertise and an unwavering commitment to exceed expectations. 

In 2024, we were named Recruitment Agency of the Year at the prestigious Recruiter Awards, an accolade we are extremely proud of. 

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