Educational Psychologists Warnings About the SEND Code of Practice: Our Report Findings

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The SEND Code of Practice is a vital component within the SEND sector, so the suggestion from Educational Psychologists that it is ‘not up to scratch’ is concerning.

This conclusion was uncovered in the recent research we conducted with Educational Psychologists (EPs) from both local authorities and private practice.

After speaking to Educational Psychologists from across the UK, our findings highlighted that they believe the SEND Code of Practice needs updating in order to effectively meet the changing needs of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). 

Part of the Children and Families Act 2014, the SEND Code of Practice covers the responsibilities of local authorities, health bodies, schools and colleges to provide for children and young people with SEND. 

Speaking about the Children and Families Act, one Educational Psychologist said, “The Children and Families Act can be exploited as the (terminology) ‘may have SEN’ is too vague. This means statutory assessments can take place even when they are not really warranted.”

Another Educational Psychologist claimed, “The Code of Practice needs updating, expectations don't match reality, huge groups of young people whose needs are not being met and who are getting lost in the system or are missing from education entirely.”

Our report also revealed that despite being a professional workforce, Educational Psychologists are also concerned that they rarely influence the Department for Education or the development of important legislation. Just 10% of our survey respondents ‘strongly agree’ that Educational Psychologists have an adequate input in shaping educational policies. 

One Educational Psychologist explained, “To my knowledge, there are no Educational Psychologists included in the newly initiated curriculum review. This represents an oversight by policy makers and missed opportunity for the expertise of Educational Psychologists to be included in an important national conversation.”

SEND recruitment specialist, Richard Shorrock, said, “Concern amongst Educational Psychologists regarding the SEND Code of Practice must be taken seriously. It’s critical that the vulnerabilities of children and young people with SEND are not missed.”

Discover more insights in the SCG Educational Psychology Workforce Insights Report 2024.

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If you’re struggling to recruit, we have exclusive access to some of the most experienced interim Educational Psychologists in the UK.

Simply contact Natalie Boaler on 01772 954200 to discover how we can help. 

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