How To Respond to an Interview Invitation
03 Mar, 20231-2 minutes
If you have been invited to an interview, the best reply you can give is a clear and concise one. Start by confirming or declining the invitation in a polite manner.
You should also thank the hiring manager for progressing your application; however you don’t need to waste time by oversharing how grateful you are.
If you do not wish to attend the interview, it is good practice to politely decline the offer. Don’t simply ignore the email. If you would like to, you could also include a reason as to why you don’t wish to attend.
If you would like to rearrange the interview, simply ask the hiring manager if there is another time which is convenient. A hiring manager will understand if you have other commitments which can’t be rescheduled.
While applying for jobs, remember to check your emails - including your junk folder - frequently so you don’t miss any interview invitations.
An example of accepting an interview invite:
An example of declining an interview invite:
Hello (name of hiring manager),
Thank you for the invitation to interview for the (name of position) role at (company name).
Unfortunately, I would like to decline your invitation to interview on this occasion as I have accepted an offer with another company.
Thank you for the opportunity and I wish you all the best.
Kind regards,
(your name)
An example of rescheduling an interview invite:
Hello (name of hiring manager),
Thank you for the invitation to interview for the (name of position) role at (company name).
I am still very much interested in the position but unfortunately I have another engagement during the suggested time which can’t be rescheduled.
Is there another time which is convenient for you?
Kind regards,
(your name)
Who is Spencer Clarke Group?
Since 2017, we've been changing the face of recruitment. From our employees, to the way we do business, to the culture within our office, we're determined to make a difference and create a positive impact on everyone around us.
Recruitment to us isn't just about matching candidates and clients; we’re passionate about finding candidates the perfect job which has the ability to boost their salary and standard of living, better their work life balance and improve their mental health.
Similarly, we understand the impact which an experienced and skilled employee can make to a business and we love seeing clients thrive through the hard work of candidates which we have placed with them.
We operate in two sectors:
In eleven specialisms:
Healthcare, Social Care & Nursing
Corporate Functions & Business Support
Planning, Development & Regeneration
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