Meet the Team - Debbie Holden

1-2 minutes

We recently caught up with our Marketing Manager, Debbie Holden to discover what she loves about the job and Spencer Clarke Group, and what the future holds for the marketing department here!

How long have you worked at Spencer Clarke Group?

I have worked here since June 2021. I come from a background in recruitment marketing after working in job boards for four years.

What does your role entail?

The marketing team takes care of the Spencer Clarke Group website (and keeping it up to date), providing career advice and insights on the blog, writing and submitting press releases, posting on social media, email marketing, events, partnerships and creating any collateral that the consultants need to help them in their role.

I head up the team to make sure that we’re all working in sync and that things are happening when they should be happening!

What do you love most about what you do?

I love being able to make a difference to people’s careers. Whether that’s making sure that the most relevant career opportunities are emailed to professionals or providing career advice on the Spencer Clarke Group website, it’s one of the best parts about the job.

I’ve actually had people approach me at events to thank us for helping them to discover their dream job and it’s a really nice feeling.

I love the variety of working in marketing - no two days are the same and there’s always something exciting in the diary to look forward to!

What motivates you at work?

I’m naturally quite a motivated person anyway and I think if you’re not, you might be in the wrong job!

I’m not a big football fan but I heard a great quote from Arsene Wenger when asked how he motivates his players. He said, “If I have a player who needs motivating then they are in the wrong place. If they feel there are shortcuts being taken, or the level of training is not right, or the facilities could be better, then that can demotivate people. So maybe it is the reverse.”

I couldn’t agree more!

How would you describe working at Spencer Clarke Group?

Spencer Clarke Group is full of young, ambitious and creative people who are eager to succeed.

The Directors put a lot of effort into providing a really nice and comfortable working environment for everyone. It’s the little things like investing in a decent coffee machine and rewarding hard work with employee of the month prizes which go a long way in making you feel appreciated.

Tell us about your career path so far.

After leaving college with 4 A Levels, I took a gap year before going on to study Creative Advertising (which I loved) at the University of Central Lancashire. After leaving Uni with a 2:1 degree, I lived in Sydney and travelled the east coast of Australia for a few months.

After that, I decided I was going to work in Ayia Napa for the summer - but that was very short lived and I came home after 4 weeks having only worked 1 night - I had a lot of good memories and a great tan though!

I worked in hospitality for a short while before moving into an Advertising & Marketing role for a local manufacturing company. From there, I moved into a Marketing Executive role for a business which owned a number of niche job boards. I spent four years in this role before deciding to spread my wings and venture to Spencer Clarke Group. It was a big decision at the time but sometimes you just need to take the plunge and see what happens - I’m so glad I did now!

How would your colleagues describe you?

I think they would describe me as creative, fairly quiet, very organised, someone who is always in a good mood and someone who is happy to muck in.

Where are we most likely to find you outside of work?

If I’m not working, you will probably find me at a nice dog walking spot in Lytham or Rydal in the Lake District. I love a good walk with my fellow dog mum friend and then onto a nice pub afterwards for a spot of lunch and a glass of vino!

I also love live music and going to the theatre to see a good musical! It’s one of the things I missed most during lockdown.

Tell us something we’d never guess about you!

I eat beans every day!

What’s next for you at Spencer Clarke Group?

There's a lot of exciting things in store for the marketing team and I love a challenge. Spencer Clarke Group has big plans to grow and expand in the coming months and years and the marketing department will be fundamental in that growth.

10 Quick Fire Questions!

What’s your favourite film?

Probably the Rocky Horror Picture Show - I don’t even know what is going on for most of it but it’s brilliant! I’ve also seen it at the theatre and that was equally amazing!

Where’s the best place you’ve traveled to?

Australia - scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef was an experience I’ll never forget!

What advice would you give to your young self?

Work hard for what you want but have fun as well (life’s short!), know that money doesn’t always bring you happiness and let go of anything which is not serving you a purpose anymore.

Have you ever met anyone famous?

Not really, I went to a party that Coleen Rooney was throwing but I didn’t speak to her! I also spoke to Joel Dommett at the Recruiter Awards - he was really nice.

What three items would you take with you to a deserted island?

My little dog for company, a blanket for warmth and a fishing rod to try and catch food!

Do you have any pets?

Yes, I have a Jack Russell cross called Jack - it’s not a very original name I know!

Do you have any hidden talents?

I don’t think I do - is that really boring?

What’s the best gig you’ve been to?

That’s a difficult one but I would have to say Mumford and Sons at the British Summertime Festival at Hyde park in London - it was unbelievable!

What animal is your spirit animal?

My star sign is Leo so I would say a lion - I am usually quite calm but I do have a fiery side if provoked!

What’s your guilty pleasure?

I love watching trash TV like Keeping Up With the Kardashians - I know it’s rubbish but it’s addictive!

© Spencer Clarke Group 2023
Site by Venn