Meet the Team - Georgia Peters

1-2 minutes

We recently caught up with Payroll & Accounts Assistant, Georgia Peters, to discover more about her extensive music career, what motivates her to work hard and what Freddie Flintoff said to her when she bumped into him in a gym!

How long have you worked at Spencer Clarke Group?

I've been at Spencer Clarke Group since September 2019.

What does your role entail?

I am responsible for making sure that everyone gets paid on time for their work.

What do you love most about what you do?

I love the variety that each day brings. It’s also a great fun working environment.

What motivates you at work?

My job can be demanding but it motivates me because it’s so important that everyone gets paid on time for their work.

I’m also motivated from working alongside everyone else because it’s such a high performing team.

How would you describe working at Spencer Clarke Group?

It’s very different compared to other office jobs which I've had. They’re always coming up with new and fun ways to push us to be our best and the incentives for hard work here are amazing!

Tell us about your career path so far.

I studied music at college before heading on tour to Europe in the band, Next Stop Atlanta, which I was in. We toured for 4-5 years, playing alongside Status Quo and at Lytham Festival.

After my music career, I worked in retail before moving on to a recruitment agency doing payroll.

I then joined Spencer Clarke Group and I haven’t looked back since because I love it here!

How would your colleagues describe you?

I hope they would say that I’m a reliable, honest, kind and good person to be around.

Where are we most likely to find you outside of work?

I would either be out walking my 2 pugs, Kevin and Colin or I would be in a cocktail bar with my hubby Rick.

I also love a good Sunday brunch or going on holiday to a nice sunny destination.

Tell us something we’d never guess about you!

It would probably be that I was in the band, Next Stop Atlanta.

I also competed in bodybuilding for 3 years.

What’s next for you at Spencer Clarke Group?

I want to continue doing my jobs and thriving in the office.

10 Quick Fire Questions!

What’s your favourite film?

The Talented Mr Ripley.

Where’s the best place you’ve traveled to?

It would either be Las Vegas or Cyprus because I got married there!

What advice would you give to your young self?

Don’t worry about what other people think about you, focus on you and follow your dreams.

Have you ever met anyone famous?

Status Quo, Matt Berry and Freddie Flintoff - Freddie told me that he liked my tattoos in a gym in Wilmslow!

What three items would you take with you to a deserted island?

My husband Rick and our 2 pugs, Kevin and Colin.

Do you have any pets?

Yes, Kevin and Colin!

Do you have any hidden talents?

I can deadlift 100 kilos and I can sing and play guitar.

What’s the best gig you’ve been to?

James Brown - it was the best!

What animal is your spirit animal?

A koala bear!

What’s your guilty pleasure?

I eat peanut butter from the jar.

© Spencer Clarke Group 2023
Site by Venn