SEND Plan Writer

  • Up to £250 per day
  • Wirral, Merseyside
  • Contract

SEND Needs Assessment Plan Writers - Local Authority

3 months initially - likely to be extended

Salary: £250 per day

Fully remote working

What we need from you:

  • Monitor and track new Needs Assessments as they are submitted, liaising effectively with all services to ensure all advice and information is completed in timely manner.
  • Use information submitted from all parties to write an effective Education, Health and Care plan for children and young people within the statutory time frames.
  • Maintain effective record systems to enable the preparation of necessary reports to contribute to the Education, health and Care plan.

Must Have:

  • Must have at least 2 years experience in a local authority as a Plan Writer
  • Experience within SEND is essential

About SCG:

  • Spencer Clarke Group are an award-winning recruitment agency who specialise in placing experienced SEND professionals into local authority services.
  • With several years' experience in the sector, we regularly recruit for EHC Plan Writers, SEND Officers, SEND Tribunal Officers & SEND Managers.
  • Reach out to me today to discuss how we can help develop your career within Special educational needs.

Contact Adam @ Spencer Clarke Group - 01772 954200 /

Adam Zyda Principal Consultant

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