Headteacher and School Leadership Recruitment.
Find Your Perfect Headteacher.
As leaders within executive Headteacher recruitment, we understand the critical importance of hiring the right Headteacher and senior leadership team within an educational setting. The demands and challenges for Headteachers continue to grow every year; juggling staff shortages, safeguarding, increasing demands for SEND support, budget cuts and promoting diversity whilst providing a setting for young people to learn and thrive is no mean feat.
Finding the perfect Headteacher to manage the demands of the role while making an impact is critical to the success of the organisation - but that’s where we can help! Through years of working in the education field, we understand where to find the most experienced Headteachers, the nuances to look out for, and how to match the right Headteacher into the right setting.
We are APSCo and REC accredited to ensure you have complete confidence that every professional is rigorously screened, with all the relevant checks completed, before the candidate commences work.
In 2024, we won Recruitment Agency of the Year at the Recruiter Awards which is a testament to all the hard work, creativity, and energy which our team brings.
If you’re ready to hire a Headteacher or school leadership professionals, give us a call on 01772 954200.
What We Offer.
As a specialist Headteacher recruitment agency, we offer:
- Extensive pool of experienced Headteachers and senior leadership professionals
- Unmatched expertise within senior leadership recruitment
- Rapid response time
- Proactive and targeted headhunting approach
- Exceptional reputation
- Cutting-edge technology to streamline the process
- Dedicated and robust compliance support
- Certified in safeguarding processes which goes beyond statutory requirements

Typical Senior Leadership Jobs We Recruit For.
Who We Work With.
We support organisations all over the UK on a temporary, interim, permanent or temp-perm basis. These include:
- Mainstream and SEND schools
- Local Authorities
- Multi Academy Trusts (MAT)
- Colleges
- Alternative Provisions
- Pupil Referral Units (PRU)
If you’re ready to hire a Headteacher or school leadership professionals, give us a call on 01772 954200.

Meet The Headteacher Recruitment Team.
Areas We Specialise In.
We can provide professionals to support education providers in a number of areas including:
- Clearing backlog of Annual Reviews
- Locum and Associate Educational Psychologists
- Education commissioning
- Supporting local authorities with Safety Valve and Delivering Better Values (DBV) programs
- Strategy and improvement plans for Alternative Provision
- Post 16 transitions into further education
- Quality assurance for SEND audits
- Preparing for inspections and writing Statements of Actions (SoA)
If you’re ready to recruit, give us a call on 01772 954200.

What Our Clients Say.
Frequently Asked Questions.
Do schools need a Headteacher?
Yes, The Education Act 2002 requires all maintained schools to have a Headteacher, or a person appointed to carry out the functions of a Headteacher during an absence of the Headteacher or pending the appointment of a new Headteacher.
If you are searching for an interim or permanent Headteacher, why not contact one of our specialists to see how we can help?
North of the UK - Jamie Heath - jh@spencerclarkegroup.co.uk
South of the UK - Dane Matthews - dm@spencerclarkegroup.co.uk
Why is a Headteacher important?
Recruiting a new Headteacher is arguably one of the most important moments in the life of a school as it heavily impacts upon everything from pupil learning to staff motivation to working conditions.
It is widely considered that ‘the performance of a school almost never exceeds the quality of its leadership and management.’
In the current educational landscape, it is more important than ever for boards to consider their current situation and future aspirations of the school so they are clear on what the ideal candidate looks like and what they can bring to the school.
If you are searching for an interim or permanent Headteacher, why not contact one of our specialists to see how we can help?
North of the UK - Jamie Heath - jh@spencerclarkegroup.co.uk
South of the UK - Dane Matthews - dm@spencerclarkegroup.co.uk
Can a school have two Headteachers?
Yes, a single school can have two Headteachers through what is known as the Shared Leadership Model. A co-headship model means that there is less pressure on just one person. By having two Headteachers (co-heads) they can discuss ideas, problems, solutions and share accountability for decision making.
What makes an outstanding Headteacher?
An outstanding Headteacher must have a number of new skills and attributes, including:
- Passionate about teaching and learning.
- Have a clear vision for the school and a plan to achieve it.
- Confident in their abilities to succeed in their plan.
- Fair and honest with staff, parents, and students.
- Hold high expectations for the school, students, parents, teachers, and support staff.
- Understand and welcome the role of effective governance, ensuring the school operates within the required regulatory frameworks and meets all statutory duties.
- Establish and sustain professional working relationships with those responsible for governance.
What happens if a school has no Headteacher?
The board is responsible for making sure a member of staff is appointed to carry out the functions of a Headteacher if the appointed Headteacher is absent, or the school is waiting to appoint a new Headteacher.
If you are searching for an interim or permanent Headteacher, why not contact one of our specialists to see how we can help?
North of the UK - Jamie Heath - jh@spencerclarkegroup.co.uk
South of the UK - Dane Matthews - dm@spencerclarkegroup.co.uk
How do I appoint an interim Headteacher at short notice?
If you need to appoint an interim Headteacher at short notice, you can contact us on 01772 954200 to discuss your options. One of our specialist consultants will run through what to expect, time scales and our quality assurance process to ensure you find the most suitable interim Headteacher.
What recruitment principles should be adopted?
To conduct an open, fair and successful recruitment process, it is important to establish a set of principles that will outline how the board will undertake its recruitment and selection processes. The principles should be set out in the school’s recruitment policy so that they can be followed consistently by everybody involved.
All individuals involved in the recruitment process should adhere to the 7 principles of public life which applies to anyone who holds public office.
What questions should I ask during a Headteacher interview?
Prior to the interview taking place, core questions should be planned in advance. The interview questions should be designed to test whether the candidates meet the requirements set out in the person specification and could cover knowledge of the role, pedagogy, requirements of the job, communications, financial and people management, teamwork and relationships.
Who appoints a Headteacher?
In maintained schools, it is the legal responsibility of the board to select a Headteacher. The legal framework regarding the appointment of a Headteacher, and the roles and responsibilities of those involved, is stipulated in the requirements of the School Staffing Regulations.