9 EHC Plan Writer Interview Questions & Answers

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In this blog, you will learn:

  • Questions you could get asked in your EHC Plan Writer interview.
  • What the hiring manager at the Local Authority may be looking for in your answers.
  • Where the latest EHC Plan Writer jobs are and how to apply for them.

Preparing for an interview as an Education, Health, and Care Plan Writer (EHC) is essential to confidently showcase your qualifications and expertise in assessing and supporting students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

You may never know the exact questions which you will be asked at your EHC Plan interview, but it is possible to prepare answers to some of the most common questions. 

9 EHC Plan Writer interview questions

Common EHC Plan Writer interview questions include: 

  1. Can you describe your experience writing EHC plans for students with special needs?
  2. How do you stay up-to-date with the best practices and changes in SEND legislation?
  3. What is the process you follow to assess a student’s needs and develop an effective EHC Plan?
  4. How do you ensure that an EHC Plan is effective in promoting the student’s progress and well being?
  5. How do you ensure that EHC plans are implemented effectively in a school or educational setting?
  6. Can you provide an example of a challenging EHC case you've worked on and how you successfully addressed it?
  7. How do you handle disagreements or conflicts with parents or guardians regarding the content of an EHC plan?
  8. Can you describe your approach to promoting inclusivity and working with students in mainstream settings?
  9. How do you prioritise the needs of multiple students with EHC plans when resources are limited?

Can you describe your experience writing EHC plans for students with special needs

It is crucial for an EHC Plan Writer to have experience working with students with SEND and a knowledge of writing EHC plans. The hiring manager will be looking for candidates to not only list their experience, but also mention examples of what they have achieved in their previous roles.

How to answer this question

In your answer, mention your experience and your responsibilities in your previous role whether that be work experience, volunteering or another role. The hiring manager may also be interested in discussing any Local Authorities which you have previously worked for and how your job role contributed to improving SEND provision.

For interim roles, it may also be beneficial to discuss what positives you have gained from working across different SEND services. In your answer, emphasise that you are aware that each EHC plan is unique and tailored to the student’s requirements.

How do you stay up-to-date with the best practices and changes in SEND legislation?

The hiring manager is looking for someone who is aware of current changes in the SEND industry and who is capable of doing their research and staying informed. The government often releases updated guidance for professionals working with children with SEND. 

How to answer this question

In your answer, mention how you actively engage in continuous professional development by attending relevant SEND training sessions, workshops, and conferences. You could also mention some recent changes in SEND legislation that you have made yourself aware of.

Candidates should mention that they regularly review guidance from reputable sources like the Department for Education to ensure their work is in accordance with statutory guidance. 

What is the process you follow to assess a student’s needs and develop an effective EHC Plan?

This question is designed to specifically assess your knowledge, experience and how you would approach the role. Candidates might be asked this to determine the methods and strategies they would take to fulfil the main responsibility of the role.

A good EHC Plan is one that is clear about the special needs or disability that relate to a pupil's learning and development. 

How to answer this question

Begin by explaining how you would conduct a thorough assessment, including reviewing the student's educational history, consulting with teachers and specialists, and observing the student in various settings.

Mention that you would collaborate with and involve the student's parents or guardians in the decision-making process to establish clear goals and strategies to address the student's needs.

How do you ensure that an EHC Plan is effective in promoting the student’s progress and well being?

It is crucial that an EHC Plan is effective in promoting pupils' progress and wellbeing. The hiring manager is looking for candidates to be aware of the importance of ensuring that the needs of the students with SEND are met and that the EHC Plan is comprehensive and person-focused.

The needs of pupils with SEND can change and refocus, therefore it is vital that an EHC Plan Writer is aware of any changes or adjustments necessary for students progress.

How to answer this question

In your answer, reiterate how you would regularly monitor and review the EHC Plan and regularly assess the student’s progress. Having open communication with the student, parents, teachers, and support staff to make necessary adjustments to the plan and ensure that the student's needs are met.

How do you ensure that EHC plans are implemented effectively in a school or educational setting?

The purpose of this question is to determine how candidates implement EHC Plans effectively and ensure the educational needs of the student with SEND are met at school. Effective implementation of EHC plans requires collaboration with teachers and support staff and the hiring manager is looking for how candidates communicate and work with teachers and the school to ensure the support provided not only addresses educational needs but also pastoral needs and life skills. 

How to answer this question

In your answer, stress the importance of having a close working relationship between parents and teachers, and describe how you would work closely with the school staff, providing training and resources as needed. 

You should include how you would regularly review meetings and progress reports to help keep everyone on the same page and ensure that the plan's strategies are consistently applied in the classroom.

Can you provide an example of a challenging EHC case you've worked on and how you successfully addressed it?

This is one of the most challenging questions you may get asked in the interview and requires an honest answer that outlines a particular scenario. Being able to handle a difficult situation and address a challenging EHC case can impress the hiring manager and demonstrate your experience, skills and ability to work under pressure.

This question falls under experience and learning how to answer this question effectively can improve your chances of success when interviewing for a job.

How to answer this question

In your answer, be specific about the challenging EHC case and how you provided solutions, expertise and took action to ensure that the needs of the pupil with SEND were met. Mention who you worked with, what measures you took, and how you approached the situation with patience, understanding and empathy.

Perhaps regular meetings and consistent communication with the student and parents, helped you to effectively address the student's needs and make significant progress.

How do you handle disagreements or conflicts with parents or guardians regarding the content of an EHC plan?

In your career as an EHC Plan Writer, it is likely that parents or guardians will have questions and concerns about the content in the EHC Plan. It is difficult to please everybody especially when it comes to the welfare of a pupil with SEND.

How to answer this question

In your answer, demonstrate your approach to maintaining as calm and respectful an environment as possible. Provide examples of a time when conflicts have risen and how you engaged in active listening to seek common ground.

Explain to parents or guardians how you would ensure that the EHC plan serves the best interests of the student, and you are willing to explore options and find solutions that meet everybody’s concern. Provide explanations based on evidence, best practices and previous experience.

Can you describe your approach to promoting inclusivity and working with students in mainstream settings?

Promoting inclusivity is key to any work environment, but within SEND, it is crucial that EHC Plan Writers pave the way and encourage equality, diversity and inclusivity.

How to answer this question

In your answer, explain your approach to promoting inclusivity and how it involves collaborating with mainstream teachers and support staff to create an inclusive environment where students with EHC plans can thrive.

Candidates should offer guidance on different strategies, provide training when needed, and emphasise the importance of treating all students with respect and empathy. Tailor your answers to your specific experiences and qualifications, and use examples from your career to demonstrate your competence as an EHC Plan writer during the interview.

How do you prioritise the needs of multiple students with EHC plans when resources are limited?

Balancing the unique needs of students with available resources and budget constraints is a significant challenge in the role of an EHC Plan Writer. 

Prioritisation is crucial in such cases and the hiring manager is looking for a candidate that is capable of exploring ways to ensure pupils with SEND are supported no matter how limited the resources or budget is.

How to answer this question

In your answer, explain to the hiring manager how you prioritise pupils' needs and what your decisions are based on. Your response should include the impact limited resources can have and how you would explore grants, partnerships and other funding options to ensure that all students receive the necessary support.

Candidates should mention any past experiences and how they managed to strategically create an efficient plan according to students academic, social, and emotional requirements. 

By collaborating with other professionals to leverage their expertise and resources, this can result in cost-effective and practical solutions that align with the available resources.

EHC Plan Writer jobs

If you’re searching for your next EHC Plan Writer job, why not get in touch with our Divisional Manager, Richard Shorrock, to find the best temporary, interim or permanent jobs on the market now? Or you can simply upload your CV to be notified when relevant job opportunities become available.

If you loved this content, you might also like a recent blog where we delve into the most common EHCP Coordinator interview questions and answers.

SEND recruitment services

As a leading SEND recruitment agency in the UK, we support Local Authorities with their recruitment needs, whether that be for a EHC Plan Writer for an interim contract or a Director of SEND for a 12 month placement. 

Our team of Local Authority SEND specialists have extensive knowledge of working within this sector and are well equipped to find the best talent for your needs. In fact, our Divisional Manager Richard Shorrock was named Best Temporary Consultant of the Year for his services to SEND recruitment. 

Who is Spencer Clarke Group?

Formed in 2017, we’re a forward thinking recruitment agency based in the North West that goes above and beyond the mechanics of recruitment. 

From the heart of our organisation to the way we conduct business, we’re constantly thinking about ways to effect positive change and defy expectations. Recruitment to us is more than just perfectly matching candidates and clients.

We believe in finding candidates the perfect job that can enhance their salary and standard of living, better their work life balance and improve their mental health. 

As we continue to evolve, remodel employee engagement and create a better recruitment experience, our commitment to shaping a brighter, more fulfilling future is at the forefront.

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