How To Support Students During Exam Periods
12 Nov, 20241-2 minutes
In this blog, you will learn:
- When the exam period is.
- Why the exam period can be a stressful time for students.
- How to help students experiencing exam stress.
- How to support students during exam periods.
- How to find and apply for the best teaching jobs.
The exam period can be a stressful time for secondary students and it can feel like there is a lot of pressure for students to revise and achieve the best GCSE results. It can be difficult for Teachers to know exactly how to support students and ensure they aren’t overwhelmed or experiencing anxiety and sleepless nights in response to the pressures to revise and achieve good results.
A survey by Teacher Tapp on behalf of Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) revealed that 58% of parents contacted the school due to worry about how their child is coping with exam pressure.
However, it is possible for Teachers, Teaching Assistants and Headteachers to foster a school environment in which the pressure of exams are recognised, discussed and addressed. It is important that exam culture isn’t too pressurised or intense, so that individual needs are met and students can thrive during the exam period.
In this blog, you’ll discover how Teachers can support students during exam periods to ensure it isn’t a stressful or challenging time.
When is the exam period in secondary schools?
There are several exams at secondary level as well as tests, quizzes and mock exams throughout the school year. In years 7, 8 and 9 students undertake mock exams and classroom assessments.
At the end of Key Stage Four, students take the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSEs), an academy qualification to demonstrate their knowledge of a particular subject. In secondary schools GCSE exams usually begin in May and finish towards the end of June. Students can take up to 12 GCSEs in a variety of subjects which must include English, Maths and Science as well as options of humanities and languages.
GCSE exams in 2025 will start from the week commencing Monday, 5th May and finish on Friday, 20th June, and this is across all exam boards. Having said that, preparation and revision is expected to start much sooner to ensure students are emotionally and mentally prepared for exams.
Why is the exam period a stressful time for students?
Exams can be a stressful time for students due to the pressure to perform well and achieve the best possible results. GCSEs are highly valued by schools, colleges, and universities as well as future employers, which can increase the pressure on students.
GCSE results can have a significant impact on many elements of a students life and can serve as a foundation for university admissions and job opportunities. According to researchers from the universities of York and Leeds, GCSEs can act as an indicator of many elements of a student’s future including their A-Level and university results, as well as their career choice, income and career progression.
Parents and Teachers naturally want students to be high achievers and encourage them to perform well in school, however this can come at the expense of pupils' mental health and wellbeing if it becomes overwhelming. Immense pressures and high expectations mounted on students can affect their ability to focus, maintain a healthy work-study balance and prioritise studying during exam period.
A survey of 5,300 secondary school Teachers conducted by Teacher Tapp and commissioned by the NSPCC, revealed that 91% believe their students worry too much that exam results will determine their future.
Not only can students feel pressure from family, friends and Teachers to perform well, but they also put pressure on themselves. Students who revert into their own thoughts and self-doubts may be more prone to poor mental health, behavioural problems and challenges later on in life.
An ASCL survey revealed that more than three-quarters of Teachers and school leaders have reported seeing mental health issues related to exam anxiety in their Year 11 students during the past academic year.
How to help students experiencing exam stress
It is important for Teachers and Teaching Assistants to recognise and support students experiencing anxiety and stress during exam periods. Staff in schools should be trained on how to identify and respond to the needs of their students, and to offer support during the exam period.
There are several ways to advise students about efficient ways to thrive and revise as well as prioritising their mental health.
How to support students during exam period
Ways for Teachers to support students during exam period:
- Create a revision timetable.
- Be understanding of all students' revision styles.
- Stress the importance of self-care.
Create a revision timetable
Encourage students to create their own revision timetable and organise their studying in a way that will be most effective and suit their individual needs. It isn’t just one subject or one exam that students have to revise for - they need to have an understanding of multiple subjects to varying degrees.
A personalised timetable or study planner can be effective for revision at home and at school to help students get organised and better manage their time. Breaking down the subjects and working on different topics everyday can help students feel less stressed and overwhelmed.
Teachers could provide examples of such schedules and give advice to students so they can dedicate time for revision and for recharging.
Be understanding of all students revision style
Consider the types of learners your students are because visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners all have a different revision style. Whatever a student’s learning style, they must find what works for them. Encourage students to experiment and try different revision techniques to ensure they receive the best possible chances of understanding and obtaining information.
Some students compare themselves to others, especially their failures and successes. Avoid comparing students and be considerate of all learning styles and revision techniques. Ensure all students have the opportunity to practise exam papers and work in silence which mimic the exam conditions on the actual day.
Be on the lookout for students who need additional or personalised support with their revision to ensure they have the same opportunities and can revise to their best of ability.
Stress the importance of self-care
An effective way to ensure students are supported during exam periods and that their mental wellbeing is also taken care of, is to ensure that they strike a healthy study-life balance while they revise.
Promoting self-care is crucial to ensure that students are able to juggle their responsibilities and their own mental health and wellbeing. Teachers need to inform students of the importance of maintaining a study-life balance so they can feel confident with their revision and still have time for fun, friends and relaxation.
Self-care and balance includes staying active, getting some fresh air and getting plenty of sleep. Taking regular breaks and exercise, having 8-hours of sleep and a balanced diet makes it easier for pupils to concentrate and stay alert during exam periods.
Teachers should remind students of the importance of drinking plenty of water, sleeping and eating well especially during busy exam periods to ensure they have the energy, concentration and motivation mentally and physically.
Teaching jobs
If you’re searching for your next teaching job, why not take a look at the latest teaching vacancies, or simply upload your CV to be notified when a relevant position becomes available.
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