What Is The Headteacher Pay Scale?
19 Mar, 20251-2 minutes
In this blog, you will learn:
- What the Headteacher pay scale is.
- How much Headteachers earn in the UK.
- Factors that can affect a Headteacher's salary.
- Where the latest Headteacher jobs are and how to apply for them.
Curious to know what the Headteacher pay scale looks like? The pay scale is a structured system that is used to ensure Headteachers are being paid fairly.
Understanding how much a Headteacher earns can be a minefield as their salary is based on various factors.
In this blog, we’re exploring what the Headteacher pay scale is, how much Headteachers earn in the UK and factors that can affect a Headteachers salary.
What is the Headteacher pay scale?
The Headteachers pay scale is a structured system that determines how much a Headteacher is paid. The pay scale is based on pay groups and spine points and is determined by a school's size, location, Ofsted ratings and the Headteachers experience level and responsibilities. It is split into 8 groups and is divided into a range of spine points from L6 to L43.
How much do Headteachers earn?
According to Prospects, the average Headteacher salary in the UK is between £53,309 and £147,586 per year, depending on the region and their location within that region.
- England and Wales - £56,316 to £138,265
- London - £57,693 to £147,586 (this can vary based on fringe, outer or inner London)
- Scotland - £62,556 to £115,539
- Northern Ireland - £53,309 to £130,715
Factors that affect a Headteacher's salary
Factors that affect a Headteachers salary include:
- The size of the school.
- The school's location.
- Ofsted ratings.
- Experience level.
The size of the school
The size of the school can affect a Headteacher's salary, as responsibilities can vary. A Headteacher working in a large school will have more responsibilities and a larger group of students and staff to take care of.
A Headteacher at a smaller school however will have less individuals to look after and may not have as many responsibilities, meaning the role may not be as demanding. Often a role which holds more responsibilities will hold a higher salary.
The schools location
The school's location can be a huge factor in affecting a Headteacher's salary. Due to the cost of living, schools have to adjust their salaries to reflect the expenses associated with living in a particular area.
Ofsted ratings
Ofsted ratings can affect a Headteacher's salary as governing bodies often use the schools performance as a major factor when determining their salary. This means that a Headteacher working at a school with a higher Ofsted rating may receive a higher salary compared to a Headteacher working at a school with a lower rating, which may limit or even prevent them getting pay rises.
Experience level
The level of experience a Headteacher has can affect their salary as those with more experience may have more knowledge of school policies, overseeing budgets, the curriculum and managing staff. Headteachers with advanced qualifications, such as a degree in leadership, are often eligible for a higher salary.
Headteacher jobs
If you’re searching for your next Headteacher position, why not take a look at the latest Headteacher jobs, or simply upload your CV to be notified when a relevant position becomes available.
Struggling to recruit a Headteacher?
As a specialist Headteacher recruitment agency, we support mainstream and SEND schools, Multi Academy Trusts, Alternative Provisions and Pupil Referral Units (PRU) with their recruitment needs.
If you’re struggling to fill a Headteacher vacancy, why not get in touch with one of our team to see how we can help?
- North of the UK - Jamie Heath
- South of the UK - Dane Matthews
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