Meet the Team - Dane Matthews

1-2 minutes

We recently caught up with Senior Consultant, Dane Matthews to discover what he loves about Spencer Clarke Group, how his career path led him to our door and we uncover what the future holds for him at Spencer Clarke Group.

How long have you worked at Spencer Clarke Group?

I have worked here since October 2019, it's gone so fast!

What markets do you specialise in?

I specialise in Health & Social Care and Housing across Merseyside and South London. 

What do you love most about what you do?

I love helping people and giving them opportunities which they might not be able to find themselves.

I equally love helping clients and providing them with the right staff which they need to run their business.

What motivates you at work?

I’m motivated by being able to provide a better life for my family and give them the opportunity to do and see things which they never normally would.

How would you describe working at Spencer Clarke Group?

It’s a great place to work with really good opportunities. They constantly push you to succeed and hard work is always rewarded - I’ve won employee of the month a few times winning things like a wallet, sunglasses and champagne.

Tell us about your career path so far.

Between the age of 16 and 21, I played semi-professional football for Blackpool. I continued playing football around the UK, America and Canada before moving back to the UK. Whilst back in the UK, I worked in hospitality, retail and I did a small stint as a model! During this time, I also opened a clothing line.

Two years ago, the offer to join Spencer Clarke Group arose and it looked like a great opportunity so I took it - and the rest is history!

How would your colleagues describe you?

Someone who makes a great coffee, slightly weird at times, edgy, emotional and a bit of a hippy.

Where are we most likely to find you outside of work?

I love spending time with my nieces so I’d probably be out with them somewhere. I also love a good dog walk around the Lake District and heading to an old school pub afterwards.

Tell us something we’d never guess about you!

My best friend is my mum - she’s been there through thick and thin with me.

What’s next for you at Spencer Clarke Group?

I’d love to have my own team one day but until then, keep working hard, expand my knowledge and hit my targets.

10 Quick Fire Questions!

What’s your favourite film?

I can’t pick between Con Air, Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs!

Where’s the best place you’ve traveled to?

America because it’s the land of the free! I had a great time when I was there travelling around different places.

What advice would you give to your young self?

Be better with money and business.

Have you ever met anyone famous?

I met the original RS9 Ronaldo at DC10 in Ibiza.

What three items would you take with you to a deserted island?

I would take a pillow, my dog Brian and a hair bobble!

Do you have any pets?

Yes, Billy the cat and the dogs Brian and Betsy.

Do you have any hidden talents?

I’m really good at drawing!

What’s the best gig you’ve been to?

It has to be London Grammar in Manchester.

What animal is your spirit animal?

A wolf!

What’s your guilty pleasure?

Eating a 16” pepperoni pizza with pineapple and loads of chilli.

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