What Is an Executive Headteacher?
08 Jan, 20251-2 minutes
In this blog, you will learn:
- What an Executive Headteacher is.
- The roles and responsibilities of an Executive Headteacher.
- Where the latest Executive Headteacher jobs are and how to apply for them.
If you’ve ever stumbled across the term ‘Executive Headteacher’ but aren’t really sure what it means or what the role entails, we’ve got you covered!
In this blog you will discover what an Executive Headteacher is and how their role and responsibilities differ from a Headteacher and Principal or an Interim Headteacher.
What is an Executive Headteacher?
An Executive Headteacher (EHT) is a senior leader in education who manages and provides professional leadership for more than one school within a federation or multi-academy trust. The role of an Executive Headteacher is different to that of a traditional Headteacher in a single school and varies depending on the size, scale and purpose of the position.
Roles and responsibilities of an Executive Headteacher?
The roles and responsibilities of an Executive Headteacher:
- Manage heads of school and the business.
- Build effective teams.
- Monitor and evaluate progress and success.
Manage heads of school and the business
Executive Headteachers mentor, coach and line manage the heads of school and contribute to policy outcomes that affect local communities, other schools and public services. Often they aren’t involved in the day-to-day operations of a single school but ensure the school or academies resources and finances are well managed.
With executive headship, leaders work together to extend services and develop children’s services through multi-agency working. Executive Headteachers deploy the most effective strategies for the business operations of the schools and develop children’s services through multi-agency working.
Build effective teams
Executive Headteachers are responsible for building effective teams and promoting a culture of collaboration between school staff, trustees and governors. As schools within multi-academy trusts work together to support each other and improve educational standards, Executive Headteachers are responsible for encouraging and improving collaboration.
They work together in a network to support each other and improve educational standards and embed change within the schools and trusts.
Monitor and evaluate progress and success
There are high expectations and standards when it comes to school success and student results and Executive Headteachers are responsible for developing the vision of multiple schools as well as academies.
Executive Headteachers are responsible for the direction and overall performance of multiple schools within a trust, federation, or group of schools. They typically monitor underperformance, school improvement and management efficiency and report progress and areas of concern to the board. Executive Headteachers work with the governing board to develop strategy, vision, and ethos and put those ideas into operational plans.
Executive Headteacher jobs
If you’re searching for your next Executive Headteacher position, why not take a look at the latest Executive Headteacher jobs, or simply upload your CV to be notified when a relevant position becomes available.
Struggling to recruit an Executive Headteacher?
As a specialist Headteacher recruitment agency, we support mainstream and SEND schools, Multi Academy Trusts, Alternative Provisions and Pupil Referral Units (PRU) with their recruitment needs.
If you’re struggling to fill an Executive Headteacher vacancy, why not get in touch with one of our team to see how we can help?
- North of the UK - Jamie Heath
- South of the UK - Dane Matthews
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Established in 2017, we’re a vibrant and progressive recruitment agency based in the heart of the North West.
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