What Is An Interim Headteacher?
16 Dec, 20241-2 minutes
In this blog, you will learn:
- What an interim Headteacher is and their responsibilities.
- Why a school would need an interim Headteacher.
- Where the latest Headteacher jobs are and how to apply for them.
Have you wondered what an interim Headteacher is and what they do? You may have heard of an interim Headteacher but wondered what the title meant and how they differ from a Headteacher.
In this blog, you’ll discover what an Interim Headteacher is, as well as when and why a school might need one.
What is an interim Headteacher?
An interim Headteacher or interim Head of School is a senior leader who temporarily takes on the role of a Headteacher at a school. Like a regular Headteacher, individuals who take on an interim Headteacher role serve in the best interests of the school’s pupils and are expected to build positive and respectful relationships across the school community.
Individuals appointed as the interim Headteacher are expected to maintain professional conduct, behaviour and standards, and are responsible for overseeing the organisation and management of a school, adhering to Ofsted’s framework and the school governing body policies.
Why would a school need an interim Headteacher?
The Education Act 2002 requires schools to have a Headteacher or someone to act as Headteacher until a replacement is appointed to ensure continuity and keep the school in order. An interim Headteacher is appointed when a school’s Headteacher is absent or until a permanent replacement can be found. The board of trustees at a school determines if the school needs an interim Headteacher.
Reasons an interim Headteacher can be appointed to a school:
- To provide cover if a Headteacher quits, retires or leaves their position.
- Help address any issues before a new Headteacher arrives.
- When a school expects an abrupt leadership change.
- Help a staff member retire.
- Realign the admin team or reestablish a supportive school culture.
- To cover the school year when a strong candidate has been identified but won’t be available straight away.
- To ensure confidence in the schools direction and future success.
Interim Headteachers need to have Qualified Teacher Status or equivalent and school communities prefer to hire someone who is experienced working at senior leadership level.
Individuals who take on interim Headteacher roles can work full time or for set periods of time The majority of interim Headteachers are hired for one year, but it can be for two or three years.
Headteacher jobs
If you’re searching for your next Headteacher position, why not take a look at the latest Headteacher jobs, or simply upload your CV to be notified when a relevant position becomes available.
Struggling to recruit a Headteacher?
As a specialist Headteacher recruitment agency, we support mainstream and SEND schools, Multi Academy Trusts, Alternative Provisions and Pupil Referral Units (PRU) with their recruitment needs.
If you’re struggling to fill a Headteacher vacancy, why not get in touch with one of our team to see how we can help?
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